SUNAR R&D Center has been approved by the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology and honored with R&D Center Certificate. Sunar R&D Center certificate presenting by Mr. Mustafa Varank, Minister of Industry and Technologhy .
SUNAR has placed “R&D” Activities to 5-Year Growth Strategy Base
SUNAR has reached a more competitive position in national and international markets turn toward to R&D activities and value added products and has been ranked higher in the economy lists in Türkiye every year, provided inflow of foreign currency by increasing the export amount.
It has begun to be served to different sectors addressed by starch-based products with developed new products and formulations. For example, sectors such as cosmetics, chemistry, personal care, medicine, and construction have opened the doors of new markets to SUNAR as a result of R&D activities.
In Sunar Mısır R&D Center, founded in May 2018, bachelor graduated and post graduated chemistry and food engineers and fundamental sciences graduated researchers are employed and the researcher asset is supported by strong laboratory and technical infrastructure. Sunar Mısır R&D Center, continues its activities in Adana with the aim of increasing market share, profitability and brand perception of all group companies today and in the future. Additionally, there is a strong commitment to save the environment, contributing human health in the background of R&D studies.
Our researchers develop joint projects with various universities, public institutions and research institutes, both at domestic and abroad. Since we belive that collaborative projects boost R&D performance and provides new insights.
Beside the basic scientific research activities, we produce ‘value adding innovation’ in R&D center. In this respect, we have many completed and continuing projects supported by TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council Of Türkiye).
SUNAR R&D Strategy: Following developments in the world and sector closely, developing products based on the customer needs and expectations, moreover supporting to decrease imports with domestic production by producing new innovative and value added products which are not existed in Türkiye.
Tomorrow means making the life easier and healthier and this is why we increase the share of total R&D expenditure in total turnover every year. Within this respect, SUNAR has been continuously expanding its product portfolio on the purpose of making the best for human nutrition, and developing better performing products for non-food industries.